Proactive security measures to
prevent application, data, and devices
How we can help you
We offer comprehensive security testing services by understanding your security testing goals, application stack, potential vulenrabilities, and plan of action to improve your security posture.
Our security testing services are designed to keep your web and mobile applications safe and secure. Our clients love our proactive approach to security where we offer regular testing services like web application security, penetration and network testing to ensure that vulnerabilities are identified and remediated as soon as possible.
At Enhops, we take a extensive and thorough approach to security testing services. Our team of security professionals experts uses state-of-the-art tools and techniques to thoroughly test applications, networks, data, and devices.
As part of our security assessment, we identify critical and risk-oriented attributes and potential vulerabilities of an application. We then use a combination of automated and manual testing methods to fix vulnerabilities that we have identified.
Team at Enhops successfully identified the vulnerabilities in our Web and Mobile Apps and produced the reports in an easy-to-understandable style. The Enhops team discovered and categorized the potential issues along with proper mitigation controls to make our applications secure. I recommend Enhops to companies and individuals who want to improve their security.
Kishore Borra
Managing Director, EnergyTech Global
Leader in Manufacturing Industry Boosts Agility and Saves ~$1,57,000 USD Annually
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