Top 10 Questions tech leaders must ask before adopting DevOps

Top 10 Questions tech leaders must ask before adopting DevOps

In the business landscape, consumer preferences are changing and the demand for early product releases is increasing. Companies are trying to stay ahead of the competition by releasing their products as soon as possible. This means that they are having to develop and test their products faster, resulting in a higher demand for IT professionals who can help them do this.

Eventually, the focus shifted to innovation and frequent product releases to stay competitive in the market.

A DevOps culture bridges the gap between the Development and Operations teams, bringing a new pace to the entire software process chain and uniting the teams in pursuit of a common goal of frequent high-quality releases.

This culture of collaboration allowed teams to work more efficiently, break down silos and increase communication leading to better and faster deliveries, allowing teams to be more agile and responsive to customer needs.

Add testing to this culture, and it becomes DevTestOps, which is what Enhops delivers to its clients helpingorganizations and engineers to identify and remove issues at early stages before the codes are deployed reducing the overall risk.

We sat down with Pulakesh Barma, our Chief Revenue Officer to understand what tech leaders need to ask before adopting DevOps. Pulakesh brings over two decades of experience in helping enterprise customers adopt and scale DevOps and talks to CIOs, VPs of Application Development and Quality Engineering to kickstart and scale their DevOps journey.

The conversation is presented in a form of a questionnaire that helpstech leaders understand how the DevOps model can be tailored to the needs of their organization, and how to best implement it to maximize efficiency, scalability, and cost savings.

DevOps bring transformative changes in IT teams and we have witnessed the same with our clients that have scaled their DevOps efforts. Firstly, DevOps helps IT teams in optimizing their resources by bringing in more automation, standardization, and sharing of tools.

It also helps in early identification of infrastructure-level issues and it’s difficult to predict exactly what changes will soon impact IT teams in the realm of DevOps, as the field is constantly evolving.

With new technologies emerging and the rapid pace of development, it is impossible to predict what changes will happen soon. IT teams have to remain up-to-date with the latest changes, trends, and advancements in the field in order to ensure they are prepared for any changes that may come. However, some trends that have been identified include:

  • Greater focus on automation: Automation is a key aspect of DevOps, and it is likely that we will see an increased focus on automating various tasks and processes soon. This could include the use of tools such as robotic process automation (RPA) and machine learning to automate repetitive tasks.
  • Continued adoption of cloud computing: Many organizations are already using cloud computing platforms to support their DevOps efforts, and this trend is likely to continue in the future. The use of cloud-based tools and services can help teams deploy and manage applications more easily and quickly. These tools will further increase their presence in application security and testing.
  • Increased use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML): AI and ML technologies are becoming more prevalent in the DevOps world, and it is likely that we will see more organizations using these technologies to automate tasks and improve efficiency.
  • Greater emphasis on security: As the threat of cyber-attacks increases, it is likely that we will see a greater emphasis on security in the DevOps world. This could include the use of tools and processes to monitor and protect applications and infrastructure. This means along with testing; organizations must think of shifting security towards left too.

From an IT organization’s perspective, the adoption of DevOps practices can have several impacts on the enterprise side of things. DevOps improves the speed and agility of software development, leading to faster time to market and improved customer satisfaction.

It also increases the level of collaboration between development and operations teams, resulting in better alignment and improved communication. Additionally, it can lead to cost reductions due to more efficient use of resources. Here are a few key points to consider:

  • Faster software delivery: One of the main benefits of DevOps is the ability to deliver software updates and new applications more quickly. This can be especially important for organizations that need to respond to changing market conditions or customer needs.
  • Improved efficiency: DevOps promotes the use of automation and other tools to help teams work more efficiently and reduce the time it takes to complete tasks. This can lead to cost savings and improved productivity for the organization.
  • Enhanced collaboration: DevOps emphasizes collaboration and communication between developers and operations staff, which can help teams work together more effectively and reduce the risk of errors or delays.
  • Improved customer satisfaction: By delivering software updates and new applications more quickly, DevOps can help organizations improve their customer satisfaction. It can also help organizations identify and fix issues more quickly, which can further enhance customer satisfaction.
  • Enhanced security: DevOps practices, such as continuous integration and continuous delivery, can help organizations catch and fix security issues more quickly, which can improve overall security and reduce the risk of data breaches.

It can be challenging to bring together people, processes, and technologies under the umbrella of DevOps, especially if the development (Dev) and operations (Ops) teams have traditionally not worked well together. But as the DevOps adoption has grown, we are successfully seeing a lot of companies overcoming this challenge. Here are a fewbest practices that can help:

  • Establish a culture of collaboration: It is important to create a culture of collaboration and mutual respect between the Dev and Ops teams. This can involve setting up regular meetings or communication channels to facilitate communication, as well as promoting a mindset of teamwork and problem-solving.
  • Use tools and processes to streamline workflows: There are many tools and processes available to help streamline workflows and improve collaboration between Dev and Ops teams. These can include tools for continuous integration, continuous delivery, and configuration management, as well as agile methodologies and incident response processes.
  • Encourage training and knowledge sharing: Providing training and opportunities for knowledge sharing can help bridge the gap between the Dev and Ops teams and ensure that everyone has a shared understanding of the tools and processes being used.
  • Emphasize the benefits of DevOps: It can be helpful to emphasize the benefits of DevOps to both the Dev and Ops teams, such as faster software delivery, improved efficiency, and enhanced security. This can help motivate team members to work together more effectively.

DevOps can have a significant impact on quality assurance (QA), software integrity, and lead times in the development process. DevOps enables organizations to automate their build and deployment process, making it easier to deploy code quickly and often.

Additionally, automated tests can be run more frequently, which means any issues can be identified and addressed earlier in the process, leading to higher quality software and shorter lead times.  Here are a few key points to consider:

  • Improved QA: DevOps emphasizes continuous testing and integration, which can help identify and fix issues more quickly and improve the overall quality of the software. This can involve the use of tools for automated testing, as well as practices such as continuous integration and continuous delivery, which can help catch and fix issues early in the development process.
  • Enhanced software integrity: DevOps practices, such as version control and configuration management, can help ensure that the software being developed and deployed is of high quality and consistent across different environments. This can help improve the integrity of the software and reduce the risk of errors or bugs.
  • Reduced lead times: DevOps promotes the use of automation and other tools to streamline the software development process, which can help reduce lead times from development to test to beta to production. This can allow organizations to bring new software updates and applications to market more quickly.

Measuring the success of a DevOps implementation and continuously improving it over time can be achieved by using metrics and KPIs that measure the effectiveness of the processes, such as deployment frequency, lead time, and defect rate. Analyzing these metrics and making the necessary adjustments will help ensure that the DevOps implementation is successful.

  • Lead time: Measure the time it takes to go from code committed to code deployed to production. This metric can give you an idea of how efficiently your DevOps practices are supporting the software delivery process.
  • Deployment frequency: Measure the frequency of deployments to production. This metric can indicate how often new features and bug fixes are being delivered to customers and how quickly the team is able to respond to new requirements.
  • Mean time to recovery (MTTR): Measure the average time it takes to recover from failures and resolve incidents. This metric can give you an idea of how reliable and resilient your systems are and how well your DevOps practices are supporting incident response.
  • Change failure rate: Measure the rate of failures that occur after changes are made to the system. This metric can indicate the quality of the testing and validation processes in place and the effectiveness of your DevOps practices in ensuring system stability.
  • Customer satisfaction: Regularly gather feedback from customers to gauge their satisfaction with the services you provide. This feedback can provide valuable insight into areas where your DevOps practices can be improved.

Continuous improvement can be achieved by regularly reviewing these metrics, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing changes to address them. It’s also important to involve all stakeholders, including developers, operations teams, and customers, in the continuous improvement process to ensure that all perspectives are considered.

Additionally, regularly reassessing your goals and objectives for your DevOps implementation can help ensure that your practices are aligned with the evolving needs of your organization.

The tools and technologies needed to support DevOps practices include automation tools for continuous integration and continuous delivery, version control systems for managing code and infrastructure, container technology to enable rapid provisioning of resources, and monitoring tools to ensure that all processes are working correctly.

  • Version control systems: Git is a popular version control system that is widely used to manage the source code of software projects. It allows multiple developers to collaborate on the same codebase and track changes to the code over time.
  • Continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) tools: Jenkins, TravisCI, CircleCI, and other CI/CD tools can automate the process of building, testing, and deploying software. These tools can be integrated with version control systems to automatically build, test, and deploy code whenever changes are pushed to the codebase.
  • Infrastructure as code (IAC) tools: Tools like Terraform, Ansible, and Puppet allow you to manage your infrastructure as code, enabling you to automate the provisioning and configuration of servers, networks, and other infrastructure components.
  • Configuration management tools: Tools like Chef and Puppet can be used to manage the configuration of servers and other infrastructure components. They can be used to automate the process of setting up new servers, applying updates, and ensuring that all servers are configured consistently.
  • Monitoring and logging tools: Tools like Nagios, Zabbix, and ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana) can be used to monitor the performance and availability of systems, as well as to collect and analyze log data. These tools can help you identify issues with your systems and resolve them more quickly.
  • Containers and container orchestration tools: Tools like Docker and Kubernetes allow you to package applications and their dependencies into containers, making it easier to deploy and run applications consistently across different environments.
  • Collaboration and communication tools: Tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and JIRA can be used to improve communication and collaboration among teams. These tools can help ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals.

To integrate these tools and technologies into your existing systems and processes, you will need to plan the integration carefully and consider factors such as compatibility with your existing systems, the skills of your team, and the available budget.

It’s important to start with a phased approach, focusing on integrating the most critical tools and technologies first and gradually adding others as needed. In addition, it’s important to regularly review and assess the effectiveness of your tools and technologies and make changes as needed to ensure that they continue to support your DevOps practices over time.

Yes, it is possible to see that DevOps fits into the goals of an existing and pre-set goals of any organization. DevOps aligns with organizational goals by improving the efficiency, reliability, and speed of the software delivery process. This can help organizations achieve their goals in several ways, including:

  • Improved customer satisfaction: DevOps practices can help ensure that software is delivered quickly and reliably, reducing the time it takes to resolve incidents and improving the overall quality of the services delivered to customers. This can help increase customer satisfaction and improve the overall reputation of the organization.
  • Increased competitiveness: DevOps practices can help organizations deliver new features and updates to customers faster and more efficiently, improving their ability to compete in the marketplace.
  • Better risk management: DevOps practices can help organizations identify and mitigate risks more effectively, reducing the impact of incidents and improving the overall stability and reliability of their systems.
  • Improved cost efficiency: DevOps practices can help organizations reduce the costs associated with software development and operations by automating manual processes, reducing the time it takes to resolve incidents, and improving the overall efficiency of their systems.
  • Improved innovation: DevOps practices can help organizations embrace new technologies and continuously improve their processes, allowing them to stay ahead of the curve and remain competitive in the marketplace.

To see how DevOps fits into the goals of your existing organization, it’s important to take an iterative approach and regularly assess the alignment between your DevOps practices and your organizational goals. This can help you identify areas for improvement and make changes as needed to ensure that your DevOps practices continue to support your organizational goals over time.

Ensuring security and compliance in the DevOps process can be achieved through the concept of DevSecOps. DevSecOps is the integration of security into the entire software development life cycle, from development to deployment and beyond.

By integrating security into the DevOps process, organizations can ensure that all stakeholders are aware of the security risks involved in development, and can take the necessary steps to mitigate those risks. This can help to reduce the risk of data breaches and other security issues, as well as helping to ensure compliance with applicable regulations.

Here are some ways to ensure security and compliance in the DevOps process:

  • Incorporate security into the development process: Security should be considered as an integral part of the development process, not just an afterthought. Developers should be trained on secure coding practices and be aware of potential security risks.
  • Automate security testing: Automated security testing can be integrated into the continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline to identify and remediate security vulnerabilities early in the development process.
  • Use security-focused tools: Tools such as static analysis tools, dynamic analysis tools, and penetration testing tools can help identify security vulnerabilities in code and infrastructure.
  • Continuously monitor for compliance: Organizations should continuously monitor their infrastructure for compliance with industry regulations, such as PCI DSS, HIPAA, and others.
  • Implement role-based access controls: Role-based access controls can be used to ensure that only authorized users have access to sensitive data and systems.
  • Encrypt sensitive data: Sensitive data should be encrypted both in transit and at rest to protect against unauthorized access.
  • Continuously assess risk: Organizations should continuously assess their risk profile and implement controls and best practices to mitigate potential security risks.

By incorporating security into the entire DevOps process and implementing a DevSecOps approach, organizations can ensure that their systems and processes are secure and compliant with industry regulations. This can help reduce the risk of security incidents and improve the overall stability and reliability of their systems.

Read: Continuous compliance and security through DevOps

There is no doubt that DevOps has a goal of automating and integrating, but its successful implementation in the real world can potentially be a challenge. Implementing new techniques and processes or replacing older methods has always been a challenging task. In this section, we will discuss the most common obstacles to DevOps adoption and how to overcome them.

To overcome these obstacles, organizations need to properly plan and budget for the implementation, create a culture of collaboration, provide proper training, gain leadership support, establish clear communication channels, and align goals across the organization.

There are several potential challenges and barriers to DevOps adoption, including:

  • Resistance to change: Some individuals may be resistant to the cultural and process changes required to implement DevOps effectively. This can be overcome by involving stakeholders early in the process, providing training and education, and demonstrating the benefits of DevOps practices.
  • Lack of technical expertise: Implementing DevOps practices can require specialized technical skills and knowledge, particularly in areas such as automation and continuous delivery. This can be overcome by hiring additional staff with the necessary expertise, outsourcing, or providing training and education to existing staff.
  • Integration with legacy systems: Integrating DevOps practices into legacy systems can be challenging, particularly if those systems are outdated or difficult to modify. This can be overcome by modernizing legacy systems or implementing DevOps practices in parallel with legacy systems.
  • Budget constraints: Implementing DevOps practices can require significant investments in new technologies, processes, and staff. This can be overcome by prioritizing investments, demonstrating the benefits of DevOps, and finding cost-effective solutions.
  • Lack of collaboration: DevOps practices require close collaboration between development and operations teams, which can be challenging if there are existing silos or a lack of trust between teams. This can be overcome by promoting communication and collaboration, establishing common goals and metrics, and creating a shared understanding of the DevOps process.
  • Measuring success: DevOps practices can be difficult to measure and quantify, particularly in terms of their impact on the business. This can be overcome by establishing metrics and KPIs to measure the success of DevOps practices, and regularly assessing and refining those metrics to ensure they accurately reflect the success of the DevOps process.

To overcome these challenges and barriers, it’s important to have a clear strategy, involve stakeholders early in the process, provide education and training, and continuously assess and refine the DevOps process to ensure that it is meeting the needs of the organization.

With the right approach, organizations can successfully adopt DevOps practices and realize the benefits of improved efficiency, reliability, and speed in the software delivery process.

In DevOps, teams practice regularly sharing knowledge and experience between development and operations, whether by holding regular meetings, or by having people work across multiple teams or both functions.

Teamwork, higher deployment frequency, higher quality deliverables, improved team culture, and better collaboration across teams and departments are all hallmarks of a high-functioning team.

An effective DevOps practitioner must have solid technical skills, good communication skills, and adaptability. Combined with technical skills, these are likely to be important.

To make sure that your DevOps team possess the necessary skills and training required to effectively implement and maintain DevOps practices in their day-to-day operations follow this:

  • Skill assessments: The team can assess their skills through assessments or quizzes that test their knowledge of DevOps concepts, tools, and best practices.
  • Training and education: The team can attend training and educational workshops or courses to learn about DevOps practices and improve their skills.
  • Certifications: The team can obtain certifications in DevOps practices, such as the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA), Certified Jenkins Engineer (CJE), or AWS Certified DevOps Engineer, to demonstrate their knowledge and skills.
  • On-the-job training: The team can receive on-the-job training by working on real-world projects and learning from experienced DevOps practitioners.

How Enhops can help you?

We recognize that change is inevitable and that the best way to prepare is to adapt to changing business environments. At Enhops, we have been practicing DevOps for many years and have developed a highly successful team of DevOps practitioners, engineers, and architects.

In addition to bringing our DevOps practice experience to the table, we have also successfully delivered end-to-end test automation solutions for our customers as part of our services business. If you want to talk about how DevOps can help you in achieving your goals, drop us an email at

Pulakesh Barma
Chief Revenue Officer

Pulakesh Barma, Chief Revenue Officer of Enhops, is an experienced leader with over 22 years of experience in developing strategies to enhance business, build customer relationships, streamline sales processes, promote services for business excellence, revenue growth, and manage high-performance sales teams.

Parijat Sengupta
Senior Content Strategist

Parijat works as a Senior Content Strategist at Enhops. Her expertise lies in converting technical content into easy-to-understand pieces that help decision-makers in selecting the right technologies to enable digital transformation. She also enjoys supporting demand-generation and sales functions by creating and strategizing content for email campaigns, social media, blogs, video scripts, newsletters, and public relations. She has written content on Oracle, Cloud, and Salesforce.