Intelligent & Continuous Data Testing: Achieving Unmatched Accuracy and Efficiency in QA
Data Engineering

Intelligent & Continuous Data Testing: Achieving Unmatched Accuracy and Efficiency in QA

Are you ready to revolutionize the way data is tested?

Intelligent and continuous testing is the future of data test automation, enabling you to gain better data insights more efficiently and faster than ever before. It is the perfect way to ensure that your data is accurate and up to date.

Traditional testing methods are becoming insufficient due to the exponential growth of data generated daily. Intelligent testing tools are designed to analyze vast volumes of data in real-time, providing invaluable insights that would be nearly impossible to uncover through manual means alone. Continuous testing further enhances the process by actively monitoring your data, allowing you to promptly detect and address any issues as soon as they emerge.

Embracing continuous and intelligent testing methodologies offer numerous benefits. Firstly, it significantly improves the quality of your data by ensuring it’s accuracy, reliability, and consistency. By catching errors early, you can proactively prevent potential complications and mitigate risks. Additionally, intelligent testing enables you to leverage the power of automation, saving time and effort while increasing testing coverage and efficiency.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of data testing, it is crucial not to be left behind. By embracing intelligent and continuous testing, you can stay ahead of the curve and effectively navigate the complexities of modern data environments. This proactive approach empowers your business to make informed decisions, optimize operations, and deliver high-quality products and services to your customers.

This not only ensures reliable decision-making but also enhances customer satisfaction and trust. Staying ahead in the rapidly evolving world of data testing is crucial, and intelligent and continuous testing is the key to remain competitive and future ready.

So, fasten your seat belts, and let’s explore more about Data Test Automation!

What is Data Test Automation?

Data Test Automation refers to the process of automating data testing while migrating or testing applications.It involves using software tools, scripts, and frameworks to test data-related aspects of an application or system, such as data validation, data integration, and data migration.

It helps to ensure data accuracy, completeness, and consistency by performing repetitive and complex testing tasks more efficiently and with fewer errors than manual testing. This approach can also increase testing speed and enable frequent software releases.

By automating data-driven software testing, businesses can save time, reduce costs, and improve product quality. Intelligent and continuous testing is the key to achieve this. With the right tools and processes in place, businesses can ensure that their software applications are thoroughly tested, and issues are identified and resolved quickly.

So, are you ready for the future of data test automation?

If not, it’s time to get started. The benefits are clear, and technology is available.

All that’s left is to take the first step.

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Data Testing Methods

Despite recognizing the importance of automated data testing, many companies still rely on manual processes that are time-consuming, risky, and prone to generating significant amounts of inaccurate data whereas, highly advanced techniques have evolved in software space ofBig data, data warehouses andtraditional database systems. The two commonly used methods for data testing are sampling and minus queries.

Sampling, also known as “Stare and Compare,” involves extracting data from the source and target systems, dumping the results into Excel, and manually comparing them. With large datasets and numerous tests to perform, this method becomes impractical as it can only validate aminiscule fraction of the data, leaving a huge room for data errors to go unnoticed.

Sample code-

# Define the source and target data

source_data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

target_data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

# Perform data sampling

sample_size = min(len(source_data), len(target_data))

sample_source = random.sample(source_data, sample_size)

sample_target = random.sample(target_data, sample_size)

# Compare the sampled data

is_match = sample_source == sample_target

# Print the result

print(“Data validation:”, “Passed” if is_match else “Failed”)

Tests can be performed using Minus Queries by performing source-minus-target and target-minus-source queries for all data, ensuring that the extraction process did not produce duplicate data, and any unnecessary columns are removed before loading data for validation. However, this method may produce inaccurate results with duplicate rows and lacks the ability to provide historical data and reports, which are crucial for audit and regulatory purposes. Additionally, executing minus queries can put a strain on server resources.

Sample code –

# Define the source and target data

source_data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

target_data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6]

# Perform Minus Query

result = list(set(source_data) – set(target_data))

# Check if there is any remaining result

is_match = len(result) == 0

# Print the result

print(“Data validation:”, “Passed” if is_match else “Failed”)

These manual processes are inefficient, labour-intensive, and offers a limited coverage for data validation. As a result, the probability of bad data persisting in data stores and affecting BI and Analytics reports remains high.

To overcome these challenges and ensure accurate and reliable data, it’s essential to adopt automated data testing solutions. They can streamline the data testing process, provide comprehensive coverage, and minimize the risk of bad data impacting critical business insights. By leveraging automation, companies can enhance data quality, reduce errors, and improve overall reliability of their BI and Analytics initiatives.

Automated Data Testing Solutions: A Game-Changer for Data Quality

Fortunately, there is a solution to address the challenges of manual data testing. A few software vendors e.g., QuerySurge, have emerged to provide automated data testing solutions. These solutions offer the ability to automate comparisons of data movement, covering a significant portion, if not all, of the data.

Enhops has partnered with QuerySurge, an intelligent Data Testing solution. Together, we offer a comprehensive and efficient approach to automate data validation and ETL testing across critical areas such as Big Data, Data Warehouses, Business Intelligence Reports, and Enterprise Applications.

By leveraging these automated data testing solutions, organizations can experience a range of benefits. First and foremost, data quality is improved, hence ensuring accurate and reliable insights. Additionally, Test Automation helps to reduce data costs and mitigate risks associated with bad data. The shared data information provided by these tools empowers teams to proactively monitor and manage data quality, leading to more confident decision-making.

Streamline Your Testing Processes and Enhance Data Quality: Insights from Our Data Test Automation Webinar

A data test automation webinar co-partnered with QuerySurge was recently organized by Enhops aiming to empower businesses to streamline their testing processes and enhance data quality. This insightful session delved into the intricacies of data test automation, highlighting benefits and showcasing how QuerySurge can simplify and expedite the testing journey.

Watch our on-demand webinar on data test automation

In this webinar we had Eric Smith, Director of Global Alliances, QuerySurge as one of our speakers. Eric helps partners like Enhops in their pre-sales and implementation initiatives with respect to QuerySurge, with the aim of maximizing customer success in automated data testing initiatives. Eric demonstrated why and how QuerySurge is leading the way in intelligent and continuous data testing.

A good product is a good step, but you need the skill set around a product to be able to implement it and get the most out of it.

So, I just want to thank the entire Enhops team again for the opportunity to showcase QuerySurge.


eric smyth
– Eric Smith
Director of Global Alliances, QuerySurge

During the webinar, expert presenters showcased practical examples, demonstrating how integrating QuerySurge into the testing workflow can bring significant improvements. They highlighted their ability to automate complex data tests, efficiently manage large datasets, and quickly identify and resolve data issues. By implementing QuerySurge, businesses can reduce manual effort, enhance test coverage, and optimize the overall data testing process.

Enhops’ Powerful Data Testing Solution: Automating Data Validation and ETL Testing

Our partnership with QuerySurge empowers organizations with full DevOps functionality, enabling continuous testing throughout the data lifecycle. By integrating Test Automation into DevOps pipelines, companies can achieve faster releases, improved agility, and increased confidence while makingtheir data-driven decisions.

With our advanced data testing solution, organizations can streamline their testing processes and ensure the accuracy and reliability of their data assets. By automating data validation and ETL testing, businesses can eliminate manual errors, save valuable time, and reduce the risk of data inconsistency.

With Enhops’ and QuerySurge’s combined expertise, businesses can unlock the full potential of their data while minimizing risks and ensuring data quality. Embrace the power of data test automation and experience the benefits of streamlined processes, enhanced accuracy, and improved efficiency.

Looking to optimize your critical data with intelligent and continuous testing?
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Parijat Sengupta
Senior Content Strategist

Parijat works as a Senior Content Strategist at Enhops. Her expertise lies in converting technical content into easy-to-understand pieces that help decision-makers in selecting the right technologies to enable digital transformation. She also enjoys supporting demand-generation and sales functions by creating and strategizing content for email campaigns, social media, blogs, video scripts, newsletters, and public relations. She has written content on Oracle, Cloud, and Salesforce.