Employee Spotlight: Zahid Umar Shah – QA Manager at Enhops, A ProArch Company
Zahid Umar Shah, QA Manager at Enhops sharing his employee journey
Employee Testimonial

Employee Spotlight: Zahid Umar Shah – QA Manager at Enhops, A ProArch Company

At Enhops, we believe in nurturing talent and fostering an environment where employees can thrive both professionally and personally. We recently sat down to talk to Zahid Umar Shah, an QA Manager at Enhops, to gain insights into his journey in test automation space.

He has been instrumental in the company’s mission of delivering superior quality engineering solutions. An all-rounder in automated testing, Zahid has delivered numerous successful PoCs for our clients, worked on complex test automation projects across various domains, and delivered highly successful outcome-based automation engagements. Zahid’s career evolved from a manual tester to an expert in quality engineering and automation. He is also a pro in various test automation tools and technologies like Ranorex, Selenium Appium, Cypress and more.

“Enhops has provided me with a platform to continuously learn and grow”. “The company’s commitment to staying at the forefront of Quality Engineering and Software Product Engineering solutions to suit the most unique business needs aligns perfectly with my personal goal of mastering quality engineering technologies.”

Zahid Umar Shah, QA Manager at Enhops, A ProArch Company

We discussed several key topics with Zahid, which includes how to stay relevant in a fast-paced technological landscape, what it takes to help clients succeed, and the power of effective questioning for a tester and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Read on to gain valuable insights from a seasoned professional on staying competitive in this hyper-competitive industry while also managing a fulfilling work-life balance.

Staying Relevant in a Fast-Paced Industry

The space of quality engineering and software testing is always evolving. From manual testers to automation and now using AI in automation, it is important for testers to make sure that they are continuously learning about new technologies, frameworks, and learning it.

In an industry that never rests, Zahid understands the paramount importance of continuous learning and adaptation. “I rely heavily on online communities, enroll in courses on platforms like Coursera and Udemy, attend industry webinars, and engage with thought leaders on LinkedIn and Twitter,” he shares. “I also conduct hands-on experiments with emerging automation technologies to ensure I’m always informed and equipped to provide cutting-edge solutions to Enhops’ clients.”

Overcoming Complex Challenges and helping Clients Succeed

Outcome-based work always demands successfully navigating through different challenges. And every new project comes with some unique set of challenges. While explaining this Zahid shares an instance of one of his recent projects. It involved automating a casino gaming ecosystem, from the gaming aspects all the way to the customer order placement using the same gaming console. This was a multi-platform-based ecosystem that the client had put together to achieve the automation flow.

Automating such a complex system across different platforms was a very challenging task. To approach it, Zahid followed his typical strategy – first understanding the problem, then gathering all the details about the specific requirements and constraints of the project.

“My approach involves thorough understanding of project scope, detailed research, and effective communication with clients,” he explains. “I break down intricate problems into manageable tasks and utilize client resources efficiently. This structured approach ensures that I deliver projects successfully, meeting client expectations and receiving positive feedback.”

Zahid Umar Shah, QA Manager at Enhops, A ProArch Company

Despite the challenges, the project was ultimately a success, which adds a huge feather on his cap.

At Enhops, we measure success by how successful our clients are. And that is something which was exactly echoed in Zahid’s words: “It is immensely fulfilling to help clients succeed. That may involve bringing my experience to provide innovative solutions and clarity on complex problems for the success of their business, but the actual feeling of seeing tangible impacts of my assistance-the satisfaction that brings to a client and stakeholders alike-that’s what drives my passion for automation engineering.”

The Power of Effective Questioning

Effective questioning is critical as it helps clarify project requirements, understand system workflows, and gather essential information from clients. It saves time and ensures that I have all the details needed to devise robust testing and automation strategies. This skill has been instrumental in my success in handling complex automation projects effectively.

Zahid believes it’s important to ask questions without fear of being judged. No question is a stupid or silly question. Asking questions until you get the information you need is very helpful, especially in complex situations where the information may not be readily available.

By not hesitating to ask questions, you can get the information required to navigate challenging situations. He admits that “This approach has really helped me as a tester, and I believe it would benefit others as well. Asking questions makes a significant difference in being able to fully understand and address the issues at hand”.

The Future of Automation and AI

Zahid is excited about the transformative potential of AI. “AI is transformative, offering ready-made solutions that simplify tasks,” he shares. “It enhances automation by streamlining processes and improving efficiency. As AI continues to evolve, it will play an increasingly crucial role in automation tools and frameworks, making tasks easier and more efficient for automation engineers.

Beyond the Code – Maintaining work-life balance

Outside of work, Zahid enjoys reading history and fiction books and maintains his physical fitness, embodying our belief in the importance of continuous personal growth and well-being.

Zahid shares his approach, saying, “Remote work offers flexibility but requires discipline. I prioritize setting boundaries and ensuring adequate breaks. It’s crucial to maintain a balance between work and personal life to avoid burnout and stay productive.”

Zahid’s journey at Enhops exemplifies our commitment to fostering talent, driving innovation, and delivering exceptional value to our clients. His expertise in automation engineering, coupled with his passion for continuous learning and client success, fmakes him an invaluable asset to our team and a true representative of the Enhops spirit.

Are you ready to be part of a team that’s shaping the future of technology? Join us at ProArch and Enhops.

Parijat Sengupta
Senior Content Strategist

Parijat works as a Senior Content Strategist at Enhops. Her expertise lies in converting technical content into easy-to-understand pieces that help decision-makers in selecting the right technologies to enable digital transformation. She also enjoys supporting demand-generation and sales functions by creating and strategizing content for email campaigns, social media, blogs, video scripts, newsletters, and public relations. She has written content on Oracle, Cloud, and Salesforce.